We are Lions. We serve our community and world.
The Janesville Lions Club was chartered in May 1922 and has donated thousands of dollars and thousands of volunteer hours toward projects that improve life in our community, our state and the world. We are fun, service-oriented individuals who work together to accomplish important things. We are problem-solvers and support positive change with lion-sized hearts.
Being a Lion goes beyond attending meetings and paying dues. It’s about personal fulfillment, making our community a better place, and having a good time. As Lions we are part of a global team of like-minded people, and realize the impact we collectively have when faced with challenges or problems.
From serving our blind and visually impaired citizens; to donating our time, talent, and treasure to make our local parks and outdoor spaces cleaner and more enjoyable; to screening children for vision issues at a young age to ensure they can develop alongside their peers and reach their potential; to working tirelessly in the aftermath of natural disasters, both local and faraway; being a Lion is an incredibly rewarding experience.
Attend a meeting and learn more about our club
We meet twice monthly, once for breakfast and once for lunch in order to accommodate as many members' schedules as possible:
- 7AM on the 1st Tuesday of each month at Havana Coffee, 1250 Milton Ave., Janesville, WI. Coffee and pastries provided.
- 12PM (noon) on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Elks Lodge #254, 2100 N Washington St, Janesville, WI. Lunch provided.
Board of Directors meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month.
Lions International Global Causes
Every journey begins with a single step. One act of service, one encouraging word, one gift of generosity is often all it takes to bring hope where it’s needed most.
Over the last 100 years, the kindness of Lions and Leos has multiplied across borders, oceans, and continents. With over 1.4 million members, we now have an opportunity to truly change our world.
That’s why we’re uniting our global service around five areas of need. These Global Causes present significant challenges to humanity, and we believe it’s our turn to meet them.