The Janesville Lions Club is proud to present its Students of the Month for October 2018. These are our first awardees for the 2018-19 school year.
During their month, the students attend our bi-monthly meetings and learn more about the Lions Club and our community service projects. Each student receives a certificate signed by the Lions Club president in honor of being selected as a Student of the Month.
The following information has been provided by the students and is presented using their words:

Samuel Smith
Senior, Craig High School
Parents: Allan & Deann Smith
Clubs/extracurricular activities: Varsity football, varsity basketball, student council, Science Honors Society, National Honors Society.
My interests include: Sports, video games, friends, science and math classes.
Post-graduation plans: Attend college.
Additional comments: N/A

Jared Rasmussen
Senior, Craig High School
Parents: Tom and Carilee Rasmussen
Clubs/extracurricular activities: National Honor Society, Tri-M Music Honor Society, Show Choir Band.
My interests include: Playing Trumpet, Golf, Ultimate Frisbee, and Jazz.
Post-graduation plans: Further my education through college.
Additional comments: N/A

Erin Osborne
Senior, Parker High School
Parents: Troy & Julie Osborne
Clubs/extracurricular activities: Swim, Science National Honor Society (Science – NHS), National Honor Society (NHS), Link Crew, Soccer, Band (flute), Rock Valley 4-H, Asbury United Methodist Jazz Band, Asbury United Methodist Bells Choir.
My interests include: Reading, personal health and fitness, photography.
Post-graduation plans: Attend UW-Stevens Point to pursue a degree in dietetics.
Additional comments: N/A

Austin (AJ) Thompson
Senior, Parker High School
Parents: David and Lorrie Thompson
Clubs/extracurricular activities: DECA, Student Leadership Council, Link Crew, National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, Green Squad, Key Club, Varsity Basketball, Varsity Track.
My interests include: Basketball, music, reading, swimming, and being with friends.
Post-graduation plans: Go to a four-year college and major in Accounting.
Additional comments: I was a Badger Boys State Representative.