The Janesville Lions Club is proud to share the latest improvements it funded at the Lions Beach recreational area.
City of Janesville staff installed new shade structures just before July 4, adding additional and much-needed shady areas to the sand area. Lions members freshened up the paint jobs on the existing wooden shade structures in Fall 2017 and re-painted some of the beach’s concrete figures and play equipment in Spring 2018.
In addition, monies from the late Lion Dick Seleje’s memorials were used to fund three permanent picnic tables and a new adjustable sand volleyball net. The club also funded the installation of a bicycle repair station for bicyclists who need to make adjustments.
As a separate project, the Janesville Lions Club has also funded a replacement Lion drinking fountain at the children’s playground area known as Camden Playground in Palmer Park. It will be installed in Spring 2019.
In total the club has invested nearly $21,000 this year for these projects and improvements.
Thanks to Cullen Slapak and the City of Janesville Parks Department for doing an awesome job. See you out at the beach!